Webnphone.com Bulletin Board Business Directory
AT WEBNPHONE.COM we custom design, publish, & post ads for you.
OUR PURPOSE is to help keep businesses open, hiring, busy & growing & to develop a reactive platform where businesses and customers can communicate & support each other.
OUR SERVICES include business descriptions, landing pages, e-flyers, galleries, links, maps, hours of operation, social media, search engines, referrals & more.
WE ARE ECONOMICAL ($364.87 for 12 months, gst incl) including the diversity of services that we provide, all included into one complete 12 month bundle.
UPDATES are always free.
WE ARE UNIQUE because once your business is listed with us, we continue to post & preview your ads to the public, throughout the social medias, search engines, and referrals on a continual basis throughout your entire term. We also make it so that you can post with new information as often as you like. This way your customers see current reviews.
YOU GET IT ALL – Let Us Go To Work For You !