crop management, fertilizer recommendations, crop rotations, seed testing/rates, planting time, weed scouting, sprayer coordination reports, insect/disease scouting, pre-harvest timing, herbicides
Professional agronomy consulting services. Soil sampling, fertilizer recommendations, crop rotation
DARK HORSE CROP MANAGEMENT INC: Professional agronomy consulting services. Soil sampling, fertilizer recommendations, crop rotation planning, herbicide application recommendations
IMPROVING A FIELDS PRODUCTIVITY often starts with looking at soil health, which always starts with a soil sample! Dark Horse Crop Management Inc offers soil sampling and fertilizer recommendations. Fall is a great time to soil sample and start determining your residual nutrient levels for next spring.
SERVICES THAT WE PROVIDE: Soil Sampling & Fertilizer Recommendations, Crop Rotation Planning, Seed Testing & Seed Rate Recommentdations, Planting time Recommendations, Weed scouting, Sprayer Coordination reports, Summer Insect & Diease Scouting, Pre-harvest timing, Herbicide Recommendations.
SPRAYING SEASON: If the weeds are driving you crazy give us a call! We are also offering foliar and granular fertilizer application for pastures and lawns! Residential, fence line & industrial.
ERGOT: Many growers in central Alberta are dealing with ergot issues in there cereal crops this fall! Did you know that while there is no real cure for ergot, study’s show that cereal crops with copper deficiencies are more susceptible to ergot! Knowing what is in your soil so you can make informed fertility decisions will prevent deficiencies that can cost you money by degrading your grain! Call to book your soil sampling with both micro and macro nutrient analysis to make sure your doing everything you can to fight diseases like ergot!
For more information Call Logan: 403-916-4680, Email: